Heavy Duty Firefighter’s Lockers

Heavy Duty Fire Fighters Lockers

This heavy duty Locker / cage is manufactured from welded tube sections and 75mm x 75mm x 6mm mesh. Adjustable mesh shelves and variety of hooks can be added to make each compartment bespoke.

Heavy Duty Fire Fighters Lockers

If extra security is required doors can be added to each compartment.

Heavy Duty Fire Fighters Lockers

Our standard locker design is:

  • 1915mm high
  • 515mm deep
  • 375mm wide (based on a 75mm mesh grid)
  • Each locker to have 2 adjustable shelves and 3 adjustable hooks
  • Supplied with wall and floor brackets

However when space is tight, smaller lockers can be manufactured. When more locker space is required, larger lockers can be made.

Smaller Lockers for Wiltshire:

Heavy Duty Fire Fighters Lockers

Wall supported lockers with some floor support for a new fire Station in Staffordshire:

Heavy Duty Fire Fighters Lockers

A run of lockers at HQ in Staffordshire:

Heavy Duty Fire Fighters Lockers